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Adjunct Faculty

Rosie Coppedge Headshot

Rosie Coppedge, MFA
Adjunct Professor


Rosanna E. 科佩奇(罗西)拥有密苏里-堪萨斯大学戏剧艺术硕士学位 City and a BS in Music Education/Voice from 365bet. She began her professional career 当时她在田纳西州纳什维尔的Opryland USA工作了6个赛季,担任演员/歌手. 毕业后,罗茜在全国各地的地方剧院演出 比如堪萨斯城剧院(原密苏里州剧院)、独角兽剧院、罗斯蒙特剧院和帕尔默剧院 芝加哥的House剧院,科罗拉多州的Creede Repertory剧院,圣地亚哥Rep和 LATC in Los Angeles, CA. She is one of 8 authors of the successful "6 Women with Brain “死亡或临终的心灵想知道”,由纽约市的MTI许可. The musical had many successful runs in Kansas City, Chicago, Dallas, San Diego. Los Angeles, Sacramento as well as Ireland and the U.K. She has been teaching at 365bet since Spring 2005年,她搬回克拉克斯维尔,和家人住得更近,和她的两只猫住在一起, Wendell and Emma.
Elaine Husted Headshot

Elaine Husted, MFA
Adjunct Professor


Elaine Husted grew up dancing in Binghamton, New York. She holds a BS in Dance from SUNY Brockport, and an MFA in Dance from the University of Arizona. She has taught 在亚利桑那州,德克萨斯州和田纳西州的几所大学和私人工作室. 
Garrett Headshot

Garret Schneider, MFA
Adjunct Professor


加勒特·施耐德出生在缅因州,一个食肉驼鹿出没的州 另一方面,龙虾攻击粗心的游泳者,而现代科技还没有渗透到这些地方.  Plied deep with northeast values and folklore, Garret became a writer.

他毕业于利哈伊大学数学和戏剧专业,获得文学学士学位 这反映在他的第一部戏剧《365bet》中,以安非他命成瘾者为中心 mathematicians. His one-act, Franky and Zoza, awarded him a place in the Kennedy Center 在戏剧创作集训班,他师从李·布莱辛,蔡耀,玛莎·诺曼, Heather McDonald, and Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa.

加勒特是缅因州哈特伍德地区剧院公司的成员,并担任主演 威尔·伊诺(Will Eno)的独幕剧《365bet》在新英格兰首映.
Austin Shaw HS

Austin Shaw,
Adjunct Professor


Pronouns: He/Him/His

奥斯汀·肖是一位多才多艺的多乐器演奏家,对许多不同的乐器充满热情 musical styles. Originally from Central Illinois, he was incredibly active in the 曾在40多个地区、社区和学术机构演出音乐剧 productions. 他获得了米利金大学钢琴表演学士学位 在那里他获得了许多有竞争力的奖项,包括MDSO协奏曲 比赛,ISMTA比赛,还有霍利斯奖,米利金的最高音乐剧奖 honor. Afterwards, he received his master's degree in Piano Performance from Northern Arizona University. Upon moving, he became incredibly active as a jazz musician in the Flagstaff and Phoenix areas. His music has taken him all over the country as he 有机会在包括卡内基在内的许多知名场所演出吗 纽约的Hall,纳什维尔的Grand Ole Opry,纽约的House of Blues Orleans and Disney's Hollywood Studios. 

Glenda Headshot

Glenda Sullivan, MA
Adjunct Professor

格伦达·沙利文喜欢指导表演和导演以及制作服装.  她最激动人心的三个表演经历包括导演和表演 在伦敦举行的国际口译员戏剧会议上,并在莎士比亚的作品中表演 Twelfth Night (Olivia) and Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap (Molly Ralston).   Her three most favored directing credits include: Wildhorne and Bricusse’s Jekyll and Hyde, the musical Annie, and the drama The Belle of Amherst. She also enjoyed casting high school students for an episode of America’s Most Wanted.  自1991年以来,她一直在奥斯汀大学教授戏剧和交流课程 她在高中教英语、拉丁语、演讲和戏剧艺术,包括 Advanced Placement classes for thirty years. She has been an administrator at the middle and elementary school levels for a total of five years.  Sullivan has enjoyed 看着一群高中毕业生走上了职业生涯 theatre and film – most recently in the television series Mr. Robot and Hell On Wheels. 沙利文拥有戏剧艺术硕士学位和教育专家学位 in Instructional Leadership. She won the Tennessee High School Speech and Drama League’s 鲁比·克里德奖,颁发给在演讲和 戏剧艺术,她还入选了该组织的名人堂. The Tennessee 人文委员会将沙利文评为人文学科杰出教师 田纳西州州长艺术学校表彰了她的杰出教学 of the Arts.  沙利文是《365bet》一书的编辑和合著者 《365bet平台》一书的作者还有托尼·多南、詹妮弗·安东、丽莎·比尔德和托德 Stinson. 这本书于2010年出版,支持衡量学生对概念的掌握程度 instead of using grades that merely measure completion and compliance.   Glenda Sullivan 相信戏剧在人类历史上传授了宝贵的经验,同理心, 自信,口头沟通,团队合作,敬业,承诺, and creative problem-solving skills.

Kenneth Ty Obadiah Ewing-Roush
Adjunct Professor


David Headshot

David Goldblatt

Dr. David Goldblatt目前是Austin Peay州立大学的一名教师和伴奏 University’s Departments of Music, Theatre, and Dance.  He teaches introductory music 理论课程,舞蹈音乐,并伴随芭蕾舞,现代舞和爵士舞 courses as well as music students and musical theatre students.  His prior academic 职位包括奥尔康钢琴和音乐史助理教授/伴奏 洛曼州立大学硕士,琼斯学院全职讲师和伴奏 in Ellisville, MS. Dr. Goldblatt earned his PhD in Music History and Literature from the University of Florida where he also studied piano with Dr. Kevin Orr.  He also 在新墨西哥大学获得钢琴表演硕士学位 he studied with Dr. Falko Steinbach.  David’s dissertation, Julius Chajes: Defining His Post-1930 Style 探讨了朱利叶斯·查耶斯(1910-1985)和雨果·考德(1888-1972)这两位维也纳犹太人的作品 composers who emigrated to the United States in the 1930’s. 

Dr. Goldblatt的主要研究兴趣包括音乐技术的应用 在合作艺术,美洲的犹太音乐,舞蹈伴奏,和 Improvisation.  He has presented papers on these topics at various academic conferences 包括大学音乐学会(CMS)、美国音乐学会(AMS)、 犹太研究协会,19世纪研究协会, 美国大学舞蹈协会南方分会(ACDA)和哈佛大学 of Southern Mississippi. 

作为一名活跃的表演者,大卫在舞蹈节上的演出包括多个章节 美国大学舞蹈协会,佛罗里达舞蹈节,下一代 芭蕾舞团,布伦诺大学夏季舞蹈集训,以及大学舞蹈集训.  他还在以色列巴奈神庙的大节日中担任唱诗班独唱 在哈蒂斯堡,MS和工作作为唱诗班,伴奏,并在圣. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church in Oak Grove, KY.